
Lili Arboreen enlightens me on life and love

Lili Arboreen enlightens me on life and love Another level of revelation about ex-Boyfriend and other pointless things


, what with all the crazy shit I’ve put up here over the last week or two.В  I guess part of me is degenerated and doesn’t really care about the conventions that society tells us we ought to follow. .В  Am I in the place I want to be?В  No.В  But I can see that place off in the distance, and I’m heading there with everything I have to give that can propel me there, just like you’re doing. unintelligentlyLive ...from MalibuВ  People seemed to be okay with that, and that made me happy.

Then I recovered and started writing about gymnastics again over here.В  That sport is my pa*sion.В  I love everything about it (except the U.S.teamsSteliana Nistor’s

But lately, what with all the intense drinking and all the shit the lifestyle of a lush leads to, I’ve been going all over the place.В  And I’m okay with that, because this website is NOT restricted to just gymnastics.В  It’s open to anything I feel is important to tell you, and lately, I’ve had more important things to talk about than gymnastics.


Let’s see ...what the f**k was I going to say here?В  Okay I was going to write all that so you realize if you’re going to follow this silly blog, you’re going to get more than just gymnastics.В  I guess I could have just said and saved a bunch of paragraphs. But let’s see if I can do this. up in Malibu.В  Right now, as I write this, it’s 10:46, Oceanside time, and about an hour ago, I figured my dad would probably want to be sleeping, so I decided to call Lili.


So I told Aimee I was going to call Lili, and she said, «You better hurry, cause she goes to bed early because she’s got all that training shit tomorrow.» So I hurried and called her.В  I swear to God, Lili has one of the loveliest voices I ever heard.В  And even though we don’t know each other all that good, she always seems so happy when me or Aimee call her. I asked her how she was doing, and she said she drank a protein shake and was stretching out her hamstrings. «I’m too old to be doing this, but I think I have a few more years left in me,» she said.В  She meant a few more years to do gymnastics and try to become a major celebrity before becoming a major gymnast. Because I am drunk off my f**king a*s, I said, «You should become a porn star!» She goes, «I thought about that, but it’s so gross to spend all day doing that stuff then coming home and trying to be normal again.» to f**k and suck di*k all day and then try to carry on a normal life. I said, «I think you’re the sexiest girl I have ever met.» Aimee, in the distance, said, «You’re a f**king lez, might as well admit it.» Lili Arboreen said, «Thank you, Sarah.В  You’re a special girl.»В  (Or something along those lines.В  I’m so f**ked up I can barely see the letters on the screen.) . .В  He almost f**king destroyed me, but I got through it.В  I don’t want any more of it. Lili said most guys are just morons, and I shouldn’t get too worried about any of them.В  She said REAL love is something that will sweep you off your feet and won’t be contingent on one of the individuals’ religious biases or fantasies or fairy tales.В  Real love, Lili said, will work no matter what.В  Real love can’t be stopped. Which means what me and ex-boyfriend had wasn’t real love.В  It was just a bunch of fairly tale shit that will wash away in the tide. . f**ked up.»


Maybe so, but at least Lili reminded me of the truth: Real love can’t be stopped.В  Fake love can’t even be started.В  I want to find real love.В  I want to find a guy who will love me for who I am and not judge me according to the preconceived notions somebody spoon-fed into his brain years ago. I want to find a guy like my dad. Till then, I have Aimee and Lili Arboreen.В  And really, what more could a girl ask for? Sarah!
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