Mixed with alcohol energy drinks can be very dangerous for your health.They can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, seizures and kidney failure, said experts from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany.Have already been several deaths.One person died on the arrival of the ambulance after drinking a cocktail of alcohol and energy drinks.Another 18-year-old to concentrate in preparing for the exam for a driver's license for a few days, drank a lot of cans of energy drink.After that, due to cerebral edema and pulmonary collapse had occurred.As reported by German journalists, poison control centers in Germany have information about the undesirable indirect effects of such drinks.However, it must be said that so far have not found out what can be caused by physical injury, and is it really energy drinks are the cause of deaths.Experts advise not to mix energy drinks with alcohol, as well as to abandon their use of children and pregnant women.
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