by blacque_jacques
I asked a previous question to this but people wanted more info.Here's the article-- http://www.wtov9.com/news/14047414/detail.html#
Now this woman who left a 2 year old child in her car for eight hours (and the kid died) is not going to get any type of punishment."Union Township police released security camera video on Tuesday that showed that Nesselroad-Slaby returned to the SUV five times during the day, and once moved the SUV to another location in the parking lot." So first, this woman had ample time to notice.Second, she has done this multiple times before-- it wasn't a one-time thing.
She's not getting prosecuted, not even for negligence, child endangerment, or negligent death.I understand she's a mother and losing her child is horrible and she's suffered...but that baby suffered a lot more than she has.
So what do you think about this?Should the law care more about it?Should she get prosecuted?Why or why not?And lastly, please state what religion you are.
And I forgot to mention that this is not the first time-- but the third-- that this woman had admitted to leaving her child in the heat alone.Also, she moved the car taht day and went to the car five times that day...so is this negligence or something else?Should this be investigated more?
I think it's ridiculous that she is getting away with murdering her baby, there is no excuse for leaving your child in a car.I can't believe they aren't pressing any charges against her, it really is a sad world we live in.
I believe that you should be a good person and treat people fairly, I don't believe in Jesus, but I do believe in a higher power I just don't think he's pulling any strings.
well i cant really judge her, because i dont know what went through her head that day.maybe she knew that the baby was there maybe but its not for us to judge.its for the Lord to judge and him only.Im a christian, but when ur at Gods presence it doesnt matter wat religion u are.
Theresa B
Speaking in terms of the law, she is at least guilty of Criminal Negligence, Child Endangerment, or Child Neglect. Perhaps even manslaughter. The law should be kept seperate from religion.
She should be prosecuted. Obviously, there was insufficient evidence to prosecute or a quilty verdict could not be accomplished in court.
In the eyes of the law, however, yes, she was guilty.
I am a believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and the One True God.
This is ridiculous, yes she should be prosecuted.Many before her have been prosecuted for the same thing, because it is neglect and abuse to leave a child in a hot car for hours.All she needed was to use common sense.I am atheist.
Prosecuting someone has less to do with the law or morality than your question implies. Would this mother be sent to jail? Most likely no. The charge would successfully be plea bargained down to no time served, so it would just be a waste of tax payer money.
They would NEVER get her for murder, and manslaughter would be difficult.
The law and morality are not the same.
I am an atheist and I think she should definitely be punished. No good mother would leave a child in a car for eight hours. She deserves to be tried for negligent homicide at the very least. No doubt she feels very guilty but leaving a child alone for that amount of time is pure stupidity.
I'm in agreement with most of the answers here. I don't understand how someone can "forget" their child. Granted, I'm probably not a candidate for 'mother of the year', but even I know where my child is at all times and I am constantly aware of her presence. This is not a simple matter of neglect, it is murder. Maybe involuntary, but murder all the same. The maximum penalty should be sought in this case. Either a life or death sentence should be applied to anyone who kills their child with intent or carelessness.MamaBear I disagree with that decision.While accidents can be hard to avoid, this was no accident.This child died as a result of criminal neglect.Should the law care?YES!!!
The purpose of law is to guide an otherwise ignorant society into order (and away from disorder); to teach responsibility and punish the irresponsible; to set standards of behaviour and enforce those standards; to provide for and protect an ordered society, so people can live in it.
This woman violated the most basic standard of her job as a mother: she abdicated from caring for her child, and her child died as a result.Her donuts were more important to her than the life of another human being!The Law, having already established a standard of "neglect of a minor" and levels of criminal neglect, needs to act in this case, or it forfeits its power in society.Why make laws that are not going to be enforced?
We also need to be cautious about the precedents we set in this case.If one woman can ignore her child to death, and call it an "accident", why can't another "accidently" poison her son's dinner, by confusing rat poison for boxed Domino sugar (since the woman with the SUV claimed to have been distracted....)?Why can't a father give his daughter a "much needed spanking", and "accidently" beat her to death?How many things can be written off as "accidents", to avoid prosecution?
I believe this woman should face justice of some type, for her actions (and lack therof) resulted in the ending of a human life.That life was explicitly in HER CARE.At the very least, she should be tried for manslaughter and child neglect.After all, if this is how she cares for someone she is responsible for, how will she act to the rest of society?When she is driving her car, doing her job, etc.?There is no maternal tie between her and the rest of the world, that she should care so much as to be careful...
To fail to provide justice for the most dependent of our citizens is to deny it to us all."If you are faithful with a very little, you will be faithful with much," Jesus said.The reverse is also true.
ok so yes i soo belive she should get prosecuted ,because it was her responsabilatity,and yes that baby did suffer a hell of a lot more than she did , if u were rating on how many people said yes then shed be prosecuted for sure ,im a wiccan,no i do not worship the devil,i balieve in magick-spelt with a k .i wear a star called a pentical no not a pentagram -which is a upside down star that means worship the devil....a pentical means that i belive in what ever the hell i want mim also crihsten9spelt wrong yes i know)...i belive in the salem which triels......
Kruger, Freddy Kruger
thats pathetic that someone would do that to their child without even thinking it was wrong, for people like this the punishent should be that they are not allowed t have children or before they do they have to attend some type of cla*s.
Orignal From: Okay everyone-- read and answer please!Question about morality and the law~?
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