
Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

So today will be 2 weeks that Nathan and I are settling into our new home in Salado, TX.It has been an experience living in «the country.» I almost stepped on a scorpion that mysteriously got in.He did a great job of playing dead, until Nathan helped him reach his ultimate doom.I’ll give it to Nathan, he tried to save the poor creature but he was a squirmer.So he squashed it with a tuperware.В We have created quite a bird habitat in our backyard.We have several bird feeders and baths, so Nature Nathan is in full affect!It is wonderful living in a house!So much space!This weekend we will start hanging pictures and paintings and it should start feeling more like our home.
Yesterday I had my follow up with Dr.Soliman at MDA and everything is healing as it should.В I will continue to see her for follow-ups with my next appointment being end of October.Once Nathan and I get the all clear to get pregnant, I will find a gynecologist in Temple who specializes in high risk pregnancies and they will co-manage with Dr.Soliman.Scott and White is a LARGE facility in Temple and I should have no trouble.So it was a great visit.
We are looking forward to labor day weekend and spending it with family at Lake Livingston.And then end of September Nathan and I head to CA for a wedding of my «little brother» Johnny Serpa.I am so excited!!!В It will be quite the event.В But even before all that, I turn 33 years old on Monday.My thoughtful mother stocked me up with some great gift cards, so I think I shall spend the day shopping in Austin.Anywhere there is air-conditioning!В (I have chosen not to bore you all with weather talk, but we are like on our 70th day of over 100 degrees!And the biggest drought TX has even seen!Ridiculous!) В I had a great time during my visit to CA (and I laughed when my mom said it was hot at 93 more weather talk).В Reese was my little companion and I loved spending time with her.I got to attend one of Jackson’s football practices and he is such a little man!He plays offense and defense.В Luckily Nathan will be able to see one of his games this year.В I also got to spend time with John, my best friend Vanessa’s son.If I knew how to post pictures and videos to this blog I would!(Maybe I’ll investigate that .) The kid is 10 months old and can already swim!В There was also a Minnie Maids reunion with my girls (minus Gina, as she was still in London).The В most exciting moment is when I introduced Reese to the movie Grease 2.Such a great cheese film.Gina, Vanessa, and I grew up watching it even before seeing the original Grease.I would recommend watching it with an open mind.The lyrics of the songs alone are so worth it.
My next mission, besides setting up our house, is finding a job!!!!!I would ideally love something using my degree, but would be open to anything that fits my experience.Salado is a pretty small town, but there are larger towns all around us.There is even a great Christian college nearby called University Mary Hardin Baylor that I’d love to look into.Nathan is loving the short commute to work now and that he can come home for lunch.But I think he is most excited about Direct TV giving us the NFL Sunday Ticket for free!Every single game televised for our enjoyment.And I will enjoy playing the «Name Game» and «Commentator Dirty Talk» with my sister.(Just ask if you would like to join in.)
So our second year living in Texas has already had a great beginning.Our first year had us face many hard life lessons and experiences.However, we felt the Lord guiding us all the way.Sometimes we would be thinking, «Really God?!I mean, really???» And at others times it was- «I put this all in your hands Lord.Give me the strength, peace, and compa*sion that only you can provide.» We are both confident that we are much stronger than we ever thought.So hey .if any of you Texans want to visit The Best Art Town in Texas, come to Salado!We got a blow up bed with your name on it .unless you know of someone wanting to get rid or sell a bed = )

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