
Q&A: Drug misdeminor under 20 grams/ Is my future in the medical field over? But?

Q&A: Drug misdeminor under 20 grams/ Is my future in the medical field over? But?
medical mistakes
by Michael.Loadenthal

I was arrest for possesion and plead no contest.And it was inputted as a misdamenor.I want to be a nurse.But with on my record I can't.If I get it expunged can I still be a nurse or even work as a nurse for the goverment.I will be attending school this fall I was told if its expunged they can still see it.SOme one help me.I don't want to waste 4 years going to school and and not be able to get a job b/c of my stupid mistakes.I just hope because of the mistake I made my future is not over.So if you couldnt become a nurse because of this, then run for president!I'm pretty sure you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can get something expunged from your record...and if you pleaded nolo then you are less likely to be able to even do that.Sorry.



Here is a nurse in the state of Oklahoma that still has her nursing license after doing time in prison for drugs.planting2lipsI can not answer directly, but I can give a for instant. I was in school going for my EMT certificate when I was arrested for OWI. Never have I been in trouble before (well never had I been caught), when all of a sudden I am yanked from the cla*s for this does not look well on the hospitals part. My probation officer informed me that after I finished my probation, she would write a letter and I would me allowed to retake the cla*s. She said this is not the first time she has done this. I thought my future as an EMT was over, but there's hope for me. Maybe for you also. Good luck

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