-The Deranged Housewife
If it were me, I'd want to try a change in diet before meds.140/100 sounds mildly high - mine was 160 over something at one point but I never had protein in my urine.Try putting your feet up more regularly, getting more rest and changing your diet, cutting out salt and watching what you eat.
Another thing you can try is to get a blood pressure cuff and those sticks that you pee on to measure the proteins.Coming in every other day, unless you're experiencing headaches, blurred vision, chest pains and dizziness, seems a bit much - the only thing getting regular bp checks in the office did for me was drive up my pressure even more.Stress will definitely do it.When you check your BP, lie down on your left side for a few minutes and get comfortable.You need to be relaxed - being nervous and tense can cause it to fluctuate and give a false reading.
I will say this: I had this in my first pregnancy (they never even mentioned it), in my second (they monitored it but were okay with it) and again in my third (new doctor - he totally freaked out and admitted me for observation).In the course of seeing two different doctors in two separate practices, it went from being something to watch for to a 'crisis,' which I thought was crap.Sometimes their alarmist behavior only makes it worse by stressing you out and making you worry.
I also have high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia), I'll most likely be induced in a week or so when I'm full term.At my last visit he didn't note that I had any protein in my urine but he has me monitoring my BP every 2-3 hours and if it stays elevated I have to call him right away and go to the hospital.140/100 is a little high, try monitoring it and if it stays high contact his office or check yourself in.
Good Luck!!!
I have high blood pressure also, but no protein in my urine.I am being monitored closer just to make sure there are no other complications.
High blood pressure without protein is called PIH - pregnancy induced hypertension. It can be just as dangerous to the mom and fetus as preeclampsia.symptoms - What to Know About Hypertension.
Orignal From: Q&A: Has anyone had high blood pressure while pregnant without protien in the urine?
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