Thursday we packed up and left for Nashville.Dad decided to get a room so we wouldnt have to get up at 4 AM the next day....lets just say there was bacon in the floor, a tobbacco can behind the tv, the towels and sheets had not been changed, and it was generally not clean, plus it felt like there was an impending danger of the gangsters in the next room over breaking in and stealing our pringles.We weren't there long though.:)Strange picture of me in the parking garage...hahThe visit was unfortunately slightly dissapointing...the doctor was nice, but he was pa*sive about it all.He doesnt want to do anything, told me to keep doing what i have been and come back in 2 months...He did however order a catacolamine test, which measures levels of catecholamines (epinephrine, norepiniephrine, and dopamine/adrenal hormones) in the blood while lying and standing.They administered an IV, had me rest a few minutes and drew blood, then had me stand and took my blood pressure every few minutes and drew blood through the IV again.(no pictures, sorry!They got deleted!): ) We aren't sure what exactly the future holds, but after im 15 we might try to get into this clinic, which is an actual autonomic dysfunction clinic with doctors with knowledge of autonomic disorders.
I'm just going to hang on and keep faith that God has the answers!
Yesterday as i was at Vanderbilt Childrens, i also visited my friend Ca*sie who had back surgery the day before.She has bolts all the way up her spine now, which is now more straight!She has gained some height!But she is in alot of pain and it will be a long, hard road of recovery ahead.She is truly the strongest girl i know and she is such a sweet sweet friend..she was out of it as i visited her but she did wake up for a minute.I gave her a card.I shakes me up to see people i love in pain.Please pray that her bones be strengthened!I can't wait til she's home and able to have company so i can see her again.<3 Thanks to anyone who read this!
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