John McTernans Insight <br>*2 Timothy 1:7 *<br>* *For God hath not
I posted the following article on the blog, but I also want to post it here.I believe that a large percentage of the people taking drugs for anxiety and related aliments are affected with a spirit of fear.The problem, at the root, is spiritual.The emotions and body are just reacting to the spirit of fear.Notice in 2 Timothy 1:7 that the absence of fear brings a sound mind!
The Babylonian health system just knows drugs.We should turn to the Bible and seek prayer, when hit by depression, anxiety, etc.Where is the power of God when so many Christians are on drugs!The drugs do not cure emotional problems, they just attempt to cover over it.People are kept on these drugs for years on end!The healing balm of the Holy Spirit cures depression and anxiety.В The Rise in PolypharmacyAre Women at Greater Risk?"Prescription statistics show that American women use nearly 65 percent more drugs, on average, than menmaking them a moreВ lucrative market for the drug companies...According to the featured report, drug- and biotech companies are currently testing or awaiting FDA approval for more than 850 different drugs for diseases that "disproportionately affect American women."В В 4000 I.U.of Vitamin D Per Day is Ideal for PregnancyThis is a great article.I learned the difference between natural grazing meat and organic.It was an eyeopener for me.There is other useful information in this article.My grandmother suffered with Psoriasis for years.She also had severe problems with her veins.I put her on 1000 IUS of Vitamin E and it cleared up both problems.She was amazed how Vitamin E cleared up her skin.Remember to use only natural Vitamin E.Some really good ideas especially for toenail fungus.If you have periodontal disease, it could be a sign of diabetes. "Periodontal disease is an early complication of diabetes, and about 70 percent of U.S.adults see a dentist at least once a year," This article is loaded with great information."More recently, a 2009 study showed that men with stronger muscles from regular weight training are up to 40 percent less likely to die from cancer.These findings suggest that muscle strength is just as important as staying slim and eating healthy when it comes to offering protection against deadly tumors.One of the primary reasons exercise works to lower your cancer risk is because it drives your insulin levels down.Controlling insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risk.It's also been suggested that apoptosis (programmed cell death) is triggered by exercise, causing cancer cells to die."В
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